Justice Reform Foundation Partners with TAMU Law to Open Criminal Defense Clinic & Drive Systemic Change

Justice Reform Foundation Announces Landmark Partnership with Texas A&M University School of Law to Open Criminal Defense Clinic and Drive Systemic Change.DALLAS, TEXAS, USA, April 5, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — The Justice Reform Foundation (JRF), a non-profit organization dedicated to reforming the criminal justice system, has announced a groundbreaking partnership with Texas A&M University School of Law (TAMU Law) to […]
The Transformative Power of Rehabilitation in Criminal Justice

Rehabilitation in criminal justice is a concept that denotes a variety of methods aimed at reintegrating offenders into society by encouraging personal transformation and growth. At its core, it seeks to address the root causes of criminal behavior, offering those who’ve made mistakes a second chance to live productive, lawful lives. In this article, we […]
The Impact of Racial Disparities on the Justice System

In every society, the justice system plays a pivotal role in maintaining order, protecting citizens, and administering punishments for crimes committed. However, the effectiveness and credibility of these systems can be called into question when certain groups are disproportionately affected by their procedures. One such concern is racial disparities in the justice system—an issue that […]
Prosecutorial Misconduct

“The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty and reputation than any other person in America.” – Former U.S. Attorney General and Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson
Unlawful Pretrial Detention

“One of the most obvious and egregious forms of unjust detainment is detention without trial.”
“Bail reform is working. Why are Democrats running away from it?”

“Scrapping bail for low-level offenses has proved that you can maximize freedom while not endangering public safety.”
“Criminal Justice Reform That Prioritizes Public Safety Is Bipartisan—and Winning | Opinion”

“Public safety remained one of the most pressing issues in the midterm elections, and much has been written about how tough-on-crime tactics lost.”
“For the exonerated, compensation is a battle for stability and dignity”

“Currently, 38 states plus the District of Columbia have statutes to compensate exonerees for their wrongful convictions, but the process can take years and varies across states.”
“Anti-Bail Activist Attorneys Seek Court Order to End Felony Pretrial Detentions in Harris County”

“Activist attorneys want a federal judge to enjoin the sheriff and county from following state law on detention of felony suspects in Harris County.”
“Christmas bailouts by Meek Mill, bail funds bring Philadelphians home for the holiday”

“‘No one should have to spend the holidays in jail simply because they can’t afford bail,’ Meek Mill said in a statement, ‘and no child should be without their parents during this time.'”